Our proven set of best practices are used to ensure that your near and long term goals for SharePoint Installation and Migration are met. We analyze the implementation objectives, environment, and management to define configuration options, security requirements along with group, departmental, team and personnel structuring requirements. Our team provides the training, tools and support to help you achieve successful deployments while meeting organization goals and budget.
Our project management team will ensure success on your SharePoint installation and migration project. They ensure that every step is communicated and everyone knows their where we are at tin the process and what is expected out of our team and what is expected out of your team.
SharePoint Installation and Migration
- Migrate/Upgrade
- Installation and configuration of SharePoint Farm
- Deploy Intranets and Extranet Sites
- New Installation of SharePoint
- SharePoint Upgrades from 2010, 2007 & 2003 versions of SharePoint
- Migration to Office 365
- Adding Servers to an Existing Farm